Test: Academic Listening
How long does the test take ? 40 minutes. A recording lasts for 30 minutes. There are 10 extra minutes to transfer answers from a question booklet into an answer sheet after the recording has finished.
What is its format ? Around 40 questions in four section. Each section has 10 question. Each question is worth one mark. Questions are easy at the start and become more difficult as the test progresses. On a test day, all candidates listen to the same recording and have the same questions, but these recordings and questions differ from test to test. There are different versions of all IELTS tests.
What question types are there? The following may be used: Multi-choice (choosing one answer from three possibilities. Multi-matching (choosing more than one answer from a list of up to seven possibilities). Choosing a graphic. Note /Table /Sentences / Summary completion (filling in gaps). Labelling maps or plans. Providing one-to three-word answers.
Test: Academic Reading
How long does the test take? 60 minutes. Candidates transfer their answers as they read. There is no extra time.
What is its format? Around 40 questions in three passages. Passage 1: (13 or 14 questions). Passage 2 : (13 or 14 questions). Passage 3 : (13 questions). Each question is worth one mark.
Questions are easy at the start and become more difficult as the test progresses.
Words to be read in the passages: 2500-2750. (With questions, there are around 3500 words.)
What question types are there? The following may be used: Multi-choice (choosing one answer from four possibilities).
Multi-matching (choosing more than one answer from a list of up to seven possibilities). Choosing a graphic. Note /Table /Sentence / Summary completion (filling in gaps).
Labelling maps or plans. Providing one-to three-word answer. Completing a summary by choosing words that are given in a long list. Indicating which paragraph contains information.
Choosing True / False / Not Given for facts. Choosing Yes / No / Not Given for views or opinions. Choosing headings. Labelling a diagram or a flowchart.
Test: Academic Writing
How long does the take? 60 minutes.
What is its format? Two short pieces of writing called tasks. Task 1: A report or description of a table , chart, process, or other visual input. Words to be written: at least 150.
Task 2: An essay on a social or academic topic that is given. Words to be written: at least 250.
Task 1 is easier than Task 2. Task 1 is worth 40% while Task 2 is worth 60%.
On a test day, every candidate gets the same two tasks, but these differ from test to test.
What question types are there?
Task 1: Describing a visual input that could be one, two, or three graph, tables, or charts; two plans or maps; or a process.
Task 2: Essays that discuss one or both sides of an issue, or offer solutions to a problem are the most common.
Test: Academic Speaking
How long does the test take? 11-14 minutes.
What is its format? There are three parts. Part 1: (4-5 minutes).
The candidate is asked one set of questions on personal information, and two sets of questions on simple topics.
Part 2: (3-4 minutes). The candidate is given a random specific topic, has one minute to think, then two minutes to talk about it. There may be one or two short questions at the end.
Part 3: (4-5 minutes). The candidate is asked more general questions connected to the topic of Part 2. A single band is given at the end of this. In part 1, candidates may be asked the same questions, but in parts 2 and 3, each candidate gets different questions.
These will be similar from test to test. Part 1 is easy; Part 2, more difficult; and, Part 3 is rather challenging.
What question types are there? Questions in parts 1 and 2 are personal; in part 3, they are more general or abstract. Any topic of general interest may be discussed.
Candidates need to: agree or disagree; assess; compare; describe; explain; express possibility and probability; justify an opinion; narrate; speculate; suggest; and, summarise.
Additional skill include: the ability to self-correct; to circumlocute; to paraphrase; and, to ask for clarification.
Test: General Training Reading
How long does it take? 60 minutes. Candidates transfer their answers while they read. There is no extra time.
What is its format? Around 40 questions in three sections.
The first two sections are divided into two parts, so there are five different texts to read in total. Each questions is worth one mark.
Questions are easy at the start and become more difficult as the test progresses. Words to be read in the passages: 2000-2300.
(With questions, there around 3000 words.) Note: There are fewer words in the GT than the Academic test, but candidates need to get more correct answers to be awarded the same band.
Test: General Training Writing
How long does it take? 60 minutes.
What is its format? Two short pieces of writing called tasks.
Task 1: A formal or semi-formal letter. Words to be written: at least 150.
Task 2: An essay on a social topic that is given. Words to be written: at least 250.
What question types are there?
Task 1: Letters off: request, advice, offer, complaint, congratulation, or opinion are the most common. Task 2: Essays that discuss one or both sides of an issue, or offer solutions to a problem are the most common.